How To Teach Generosity In The Church
What are the Values of Generosity? Compassion, caring, and empathy come to mind for me. Gratitude is another. If you look up the synonyms for generous, there are many more. Generosity means freely giving or sharing the things you value— material possessions, money,...
Donor Relations: Getting To Know Your Donors
We hear it all the time. You should have a better relationship with your donors. You should get to know them. You should be closer to them. You should know what’s important to them. But really, in honesty, you can’t do that with everyone. Unless you have...
The Seven Myths of Church Fundraising: Myth #6
Depending on who you ask, this can be a contentious argument. Even within our greater society, there are many different opinions about the Internet; social media much more so. Cyber-bullying, increased depression, and loneliness have all been attributed to the...
Communications Toolkit
Need some help with your communications? Check out my Communications Toolkit, part of the Stewardsip Plus program resources. In the kit you will find templates, examples, content creation tips and a basic schedule.
10 Ways to Increase Giving in Your Church
The secret to releasing significant resources is to surround the perspective donor with specific information and an environment that will generate the best response…or, preparing your donor to respond.