Values Matter in Giving

Our values shape what kind of leaders we are, what kind of jobs we seek, and the passions of our heart.  Values are what we hold sacred and are our moral compass.  Values set the standard for what is important to us. Values are the principles, qualities, and roadmap for the decisions we make.

So it makes sense that our value system is also one of the things that shape our giving. 

Although some suggest our values do not drive our actions, they do shape the framework of what we will and will not do.  An individual who values equality and human rights will have a different value system than a person who values social status based on financial success.   

Motivations For Giving

One of the most utilized strategies is major gift fundraising is to try and identify a potential donor’s giving motivation and their passions.  In getting to know your donors you will learn how to identify their passion and their values which drives their giving behaviour.

This is perhaps one of the areas that has received some of the most research and attention in the field of philanthropy.  There are many books that have been written on this subject, and one of my favourites is called, The Seven Faces of Philanthropy, if you want to dig a little deeper on how to recognize and profile your major donors or potential major donors.

One of the main reasons I like the book by Prince and File, is because religious giving is recognized as a separate category, the devout.  Not many books do this.  Most people, certainly those in the industry, understand and acknowledge that people who are religious are generous givers. Yet many do not really know or understand why.

Churches Are Closing Daily

It is also common knowledge in the industry that religious organizations traditionally get the lion’s share of the donative dollars (this is trending downward in recent years), and a significant portion of donors in this category only give to religious organizations.  Yet, churches are closing on the daily and giving is barely adequate at best for many congregations. 

What Makes Christian Giving Different

So, what values do Christian’s and other devout donors hold dear that makes them such faithful and generous donors? Many of the same values that would also apply to generous donors that give to any other charitable organizations. However, the one value that really makes religious donors unique is gratitude.  Gratitude for the blessings of a living a devout life of faith. 

Christian gratitude in particular, is based on the concept of stewardship.  By definition stewardship means, “the conducting, supervising, or managing of something especially: the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care.” 

In the bible, this refers to the principle of God’s ownership of everything and what he entrusts to us to care for, or steward.  Christians steward God’s provisions and through gratitude, are to give back to God through his church by showing gratitude for our blessings. The tithe is the Old Testament standard of giving and that’s a whole other conversation I will get into some other time. 


Stewardship in mainstream fundraising and philanthropy is not that much different, which is why the term was coined for donor relations.  We steward the gift, and thus the giver or donor and when we do that well, ideally we will be blessed and they give again. 

Donor stewardship is considered one of the most effective tools in fundraising to maintain donor relationships and encourage continued giving.  And the more donors give, often the more time we spend stewarding them. 

It is no different in Christianity and biblical stewardship.  The better stewards we are with what we have been given, and this really includes being faithful givers, the more blessings you will receive.  In fact, this is the one principle in which God actually says, test me on this in Malachi 3:10. 

This does not refer to what some would call the prosperity gospel, this is simply what Christians are called to do.  Steward what you are given well, give back, and you will be blessed with more.

Why It Matters

So, why does this matter? When these values are internalized, it creates generous, regular givers.  And when you steward these donors well, it often creates a reliable source of giving.  

However, not all Christians are generous and adhere to the standard of the tithe.  But until now, a significant enough portion have so the averages usually work out to keep the church or organization afloat.  Sadly, that is changing as the Elder, and most generous generation is leaving us and now more than ever, we have a great need to start teaching on Christian Stewardship if our churches are going to survive.


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