Stewardship Plus

Annual Campaign

The secret to stewardship is knowing how to prepare your donors to respond.

One of the most difficult topics to discuss in ministry is money and giving.

You love God and the church. You hate talking about money.

Talking about money, giving and gratitude can be hard.
It can be frustrating and even make some feel anxious.

And yet…when you do it right, it is still the best way to engage your congregation, create a culture of giving and gratitude, and ultimately grow your ministry and outreach.

There are three common misconceptions (7 myths actually) when it comes to stewardship in the church that are probably preventing you from reaching your true financial potential.

Your Vision

Your vision and purpose are unclear or worse…uninspiring. Money follows vision.

If you are struggling with your finances, people are not invested in your vision.

Your Past

Your past is dictating your future. Do you take last year’s budget and just add 10% to it? A lot of churches do.

But don’t forget, 10% of nothing is still nothing.

Poor Assumptions

Believing your members understand the principles of Christian giving and assuming they will all respond the same.

They don’t…and they don’t.

With declining attendance and the most generous generation leaving us, funding your church ministry is becoming more and more difficult.

Unlike other programs that promise results, Stewardship Plus works because it builds connection and community.

Which ultimately will create an engaged culture of giving and gratitude.

Start creating a culture of giving and gratitude today.  

Running a successful campaign is really about 3 things:

Clarity of Vision
Engaging your congregation in a meaningful way.
Sharing the right information at the right time.

Stewardship Plus

Stewardship Plus is based on the principles of discipleship and Christian giving.

Included is a four Sunday Sermon series to focus the congregation in their faith, fellowship and stewardship. 

Unlike other programs, Stewardship Plus works because it builds community in giving, gratitude and fellowship. The highlight of the campaign is the all-church celebration event to wrap up the campaign.

Stewardship Plus is about proactive planning, casting your vision and positioning the congregation to commit to funding it over the upcoming year.  Preparing your donors to respond is key to your success. 

Stewardship Plus offers a comprehensive and step by step online program with PDF guides, a campaign calendar, campaign checklists and customizable templates.

What’s in it for you…

You will also have access to the Stewardship Plus Group forums and chats for your whole team.

And as if that isn’t enough…

here’s some extra’s!

Campaign Training Videos

Welcome and How to Use The Program

In this video you will get a comprehensive breakdown of how to use the program, who needs to be involved, and what they need to do.  You will also be guided on campaign decisions like goal setting, timing, and process. 

Leadership Committee Training
The leadership committee training videos give a general overview of the expectations and program philosophy.  In addition, each committee member has their own specific training videos relevant to their area of management.
Home Visitation Training

This video training series is specific to the home visitation team.  It will cover recruiting volunteers and how many you need based on your numbers.  It also covers best practices when visiting and provides guidelines on how to facilitate the response phase easily and confidently.

Leadership Commitment Reception

This video will cover who needs to be invited to the reception and why leaders need to lead.  Additionally, the format and agenda for the reception will be covered and who needs to be involved.

Planning the Celebration Event

This video covers all things for the all-church celebration event.  Types of events, who to invite, the format, agenda, kids program and more. This is the highlight of the program, so we leave the details up to you!

Campaign Guides (PDF)

Creative Content Templates
We will provide you with samples and templates of letters, emails, and sermon topics that will simplify and guide the process for you.
Campaign Guide

The campaign guide provides a detailed step-by-step process for the campaign.  Complimentary to the video series the guide is in Pdf format for easy reference.  The campaign guide contains all the tools you will need to run the campaign.

Campaign Checklist

The campaign checklist is a management tool that will keep you on track and guide you to the next steps. 

Campaign Calendar

The campaign calendar will provide the major dates of the campaign like the sermon series, the home visitation and the all church event.  All campaign activities should be on this calendar and be aligned with the campaign strategy. 


Volunteer Recruitment Guide

There is a right way to recruit volunteers and a lot of wrong ways. Learn the right way and you will have a lot more success recruiting!

Commitment Planner

Give your congregation the tools they need to thoughtfully and prayerfully consider their giving as disciples and stewards of God.

Content Creation Guide

Get my tips and templates to create simple and engaging content and design for your materials and social posts.

P2P Youth Email Campaign

Engage and inspire your youth to be a part of your annual fund with this P2P campaign. Do not underestimate your youth. Mobilize them.

Are you ready to finally run a successful annual campaign that will re-focus your purpose, engage your congregation and deliver financial results?

Still Have Questions?

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us anytime.

Start creating a culture of giving and gratitude today.